The Mystery of the Disappearing Water

We filled the jars with equal water 

On February 12, 2018 I started an experiment. This was an experiment that required a lot of patience because Mom and I waited seven days. We  put equal water in two jars. One jar needed a lid off and one needed one on. I took a photo of  the two jars.  If you look close, the one with the lid on has condensation. The water is trying to get out, but it can't. 

 After seven days, we noticed some of the water was gone. So where did it go?

The water level went down  in the jar without the lid

The  liquid  turned to gas and it evaporated  into the air. When the snow melts in the spring, some of the liquid evaporates and some soaks into the ground. 

I like this experiment because is was easy, and now I understand where some of the snow goes after it melts!

Learn more about evaporation here! PBS Kids
